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masaze-studio / masáž horkými kameny 1

masaze-studio / masáž horkými kameny 2

masaze-studio / masáž horkými kameny 3

Hot stones massage „Hot stones“

My services

Ayurveda massage Ayurveda massage

Aromatherapy massage Aromatherapy massage

Hawaiian massage Hawaiian massage

Hot stones massage Hot stones massage

Indian head massage Indian head massage

Classic massage Classic massage

Pregnancy massage Pregnancy massage

Lymph massage Lymph massage

The hot stone massage is the most relaxing and calming massage. Hot volcanic rocks have the property of heat accumulation and vibration.

Thanks to these qualities they improve the flow of energy in your body, relax your mind and helps release tight muscles. This massage has a beneficial effect on the circulatory, lymphatic and immunity system and improves the metabolism.

Special oils and great techniques used during the massage bring an absolute sensation of calmness and relaxation.

Contraindications: inflammation and cancer