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masaze-studio / indická masáž hlavy 3

Indian head massage „Champi“

My services

Ayurveda massage Ayurveda massage

Aromatherapy massage Aromatherapy massage

Hawaiian massage Hawaiian massage

Hot stones massage Hot stones massage

Indian head massage Indian head massage

Classic massage Classic massage

Pregnancy massage Pregnancy massage

Lymph massage Lymph massage

Indian massage includes head, face, body, neck, upper arms and shoulders massage. This procedure is done in sitting position without any oils or creams while playing quite music in the background. It is used to treat headaches, eye strain, shoulder and neck tension.

It relaxes the layer of muscle covering the head, improving blood flow, stimulating the circulation of the scalp keeps hair thick and healthy.

Indian massage helps to treat insomnia, improve concentration and has a positive influence on body and mind.

Contraindications: inflammation and cancer